Spring maintenance | The Fournier Experience

Spring is just around the corner!  The snow is finally melting with little tufts of green grass popping up all over!  This weather usually makes me want to open up all the windows and give the house a good cleaning.  While a good interior spring cleaning is important (and rewarding), don’t forget about your home’s exterior.  With all the snow melting and the rain starting, there are definitely some things that need to be tackled to make sure your house stays in tip-top condition.

5 Spring Maintenance Tips for your Home’s Exterior

Check those gutters.  After a winter with heavy snow, gutters can become loose or detached which can lead to water finding it’s way to your home’s foundation.  Make sure your gutters and downspouts are in good condition and free of debris.

Do some roof reconnoissance.  No need to get a harness out and climb up on your roof!  By looking out windows or from the ground with binoculars (or your smart phone’s zoom feature), you can usually spot any shingles that are missing, raised, or damaged.  Pay particular attention to places where seams meet, as those spots are typically the most vulnerable.

Dust off  that air conditioner.  While we won’t need our air conditioners for awhile, now is the time to ensure that the exterior unit is in good shape and free of any debris.  It’s also a good time to have a technician come and do any yearly maintenance or repairs when they are not as busy.

Check for rotted or damaged wood.  Inspect the wood trim around doors and windows as well as all decking to ensure the wood is in good shape.  Make any repairs before the spring rains do more damage.

Inspect your home’s foundation.  Look for cracks in the concrete foundation of your home.  While this doesn’t necessarily mean you have a problem, it is a good idea to mark them and monitor them over the next few months.  If the cracks are stable, they can be repaired easily and inexpensively, however larger cracks should be looked at by a professional.

Once you’ve tackled your exterior Spring maintenance get outside and enjoy the start of Spring at the Barrie waterfront or one of the amazing parks and green spaces in Simcoe County!



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